Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fun day with Christensen's

Fun at Chuck E. Cheese
August 19, 2009

The day before Shaun started school and the day before Heidi & Scott and the girls went back to Nevada I stayed home from work to spend time with them. We were scheduled to get family pictures done in the evening and we wanted to do something fun during the day. We decided to go to Chuck E. Cheese and play - we didn't get pizza there, but just played. Meghan and Claire really loved all the little rides they had. Claire also loved just wandering and pushing buttons on all the games.

I gave Shaun a bunch of Chuck E Cheese game tokens and he spent most of them trying to win the Flamin Finger. He got close but never made it to the end of the maze in the time allotted.

When we got home Meghan and Claire wanted to get into the pantry to get treats. We were trying to get lunch ready for them and so Scott had to hold the pantry door closed so they couldn't get in. They were not very happy that they couldn't get into the pantry. At one time they were both crying and trying to pull on the door to get in. They were pretty tired girls.

We went for family pictures at 6:00. We had them taken by some train tracks, and in a field. I hope they turn out good. The sun was pretty bright when we went. We used my brother-in-law's niece. She did great with everyone and took about 400 pictures for us. I loved working with her. After we got back home we gave Meghan her birthday presents. Her 3rd birthday was the week before when they were in Seattle, so we celebrated late with her. We had a lot of fun having Heidi, Scott, Meghan & Claire here for a visit.



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